Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Take a Bath

I found this image on Pinterest. Have you heard of Epsom salt baths? I've read a lot about them and supposedly they are a great way to rid your body of toxins, and lavender is very therapeutic! Baths can be a great way to practice mindfulness and relaxation. For this bath, make sure you are hydrated and able to go to sleep soon afterward. When your body detoxes, it can be very tiring. The only downside to this is that I can't do it in my dorm. I can't wait to visit home so I can try it out!

Picture from this link

What other essential oils could you put in your bath? Do you take baths regularly to reduce some of your stress?


  1. I used to take Epsom salt baths when I was younger and all I can say about them is they are wonderful and a great way to unwind and relax. I wish I had more time to take long baths nowadays but my crazy schedule just doesn't allow it.

  2. I've never taken an epsom salt bath, but when I was working in retail and on my feet 6-10 hous a day, I used to soak my feet in a tiny epsom salt bath and it was so relaxing!
